Steamed chicken wings

Fried meat with shiitake mushrooms


Ingredients: 200 grams lean pork, 200 grams fresh mushrooms,

Seasoning: 75g lard, 3g salt, 10g cooking wine, 15g green onion, 10g corn starch, 3g MSG, 8g ginger, 1g pepper powder, 1g pepper powder


1. Slice the meat and mushrooms separately;

2. Mix the meat with salt and cooking wine, and wet starch on the pulp;

3. Use cooking wine, monosodium glutamate, green onion, ginger, soup, pepper noodles, pepper noodles, wet starch to make juice;

4. Heat the wok and fill with oil. When the oil is hot, place the slice of meat, push it with a spoon while the meat is loosened;

5. Add the mushrooms and stir-fry a few times after the flavor is released, then pour in the right juice.
